Anna Goodman is a cheerful, colorful, creative and spiritual brand that wants to awaken inspiration and the joy of living. Each idea comes from its creator, her background and her creations. She has the ability to transform her inspirations into products.The concept of the brand comes from my mother (a former milliner who worked in Paris and London for her job). At the time, I was a lawyer by training, but also passionate about everything related to art and spirituality, like yoga and Pilates. I became an alternative medicine therapist and specialized in naturopathy and Ayurvedic therapy, a thousand-year-old traditional Indian medicine.
One afternoon, while I was painting, my 90-year-old mother spontaneously suggested to me the idea of creating a brand inspired by my creative and colorful paintings and to enter the textile business with the theme the seven colors of the chakras. This is how the adventure began.